I'm Sara, and I primarily write personal narrative essays and short fiction.
I also love to create planning and organizational tools, sing, make art, teach, and advocate for Autistic people and those with chronic illness.
Presently I'm working on a collection of short stories while pitching some standalone brief fiction and essays to online and print publications.
I also publish a sporadic email newsletter where subscribers receive musings, updates on projects, recommendations, and more.
I live and work in Seattle, Washington, U.S. with my spouse and three kiddos.
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I don’t write solely for chronic illness and/or neurodivergent readers. I focus on living life with intention that just so happens to revolve around the chronically ill and the neurodivergent—anyone can benefit from it; especially those who want to take life and work a little slower, and approach both with more purpose.
I explore living life to the fullest without guilt, shame, and with as little (unintentionally) self-inflicted pain as possible, no matter life's complexities.
My goal is to not run myself into the ground like I’ve repeatedly done in the past, holding myself to some unrealistic standard that set me up for failure from the very start.
Through writing fiction and non-fiction, I’m on a mission to continue figuring out who I am without trauma informing my every move nor the social mask I spent decades creating to fit in. My writing prioritizes giving a voice to those in the neurodivergent and chronic illness communities by exploring life through those unique lenses.
My goal is to expand what we both know, and what we can empathize and sympathize with while contributing to bettering us all, whether that be through real stories or fictionalized scenarios.
My work is human-centered with the inner and outer worlds of my characters being closely intertwined.
Much of my writing contains self-help elements, communicates important points through personal stories, pushes characters to think and act outside of their comfort zones, and shares a variety of relationships dynamics from various angles.
Thanks for reading. I hope you suscribe below, and feel free to email me with any questions, inquiries, and more.
All the best,
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"Tonight, he is with someone else. He texted her from some beer hall she's forgotten the name of. Said he's going home with someone. He'd be back late. He sent the address and a kissy-face emoji. Love you, baby, he wrote."
reclaiming stolen time (2024), musing, Hey, World!
"I tell myself that all these missed opportunities are a season, and it will pass, but as a new acquaintance with grown children pointed out: my oldest is [fifteen] and is in the place where she hardly wants to do anything anymore, let alone do it with her family. Pulling no punches in regard to my teenager ever wanting to do things with the family again, the acquaintance said, 'That ship has sailed.'"
"All the times I wanted to call her, but if I did, a stranger would answer.
"All the moments I needed her with me, but she couldn’t be there.
"Most times when I kiss my husband and I feel safe and warm and loved, I wonder if my dad gave my mom that same feeling. I hold my kids, and I wonder if that blanket of love my mind drapes around them was an experience she had when she’d hug my brother and me."
"For nearly two years I’ve been learning about Autism and trying to reimagine my life knowing that the struggles I’ve faced were not those of a deficient or 'ridiculous' person, but of one who is differently wired."
fitting in at what cost? (2021), essay, Hey, World!
"I shifted toward him and said, 'It’s not that I’m exactly struggling more now, I’m just showing you more of my struggles — I’m unmasking as I learn more about Autism. And now you’re just seeing more of my processing that I hid from everyone as to not inconvenience others.'"
then it was over (2021), short narrative essay, Hey, World!
"I couldn't speak for a couple days after the tube came out. She fidgeted more, stopping only after she asked me if I minded if she returned to work. She was falling behind, she said. I croaked an OK and she said she loved me. Then she went back out for a cigarette."
"I could feel her eyes on me, boring in. I couldn’t tell if they were regretful or fierce. I refused to look at her, to give her that satisfaction just to find out."
"She never once pushed him, he just assumed she was trying to get her way constantly. She’s the one who pursued him. He liked that. He loved that about her, even. He’d never met a woman who went after him like she did, and . . ."
P.S. I predominantly write from my personal experience as an Autistic person with ADHD, chronic illness, Anxiety, and more. Each of these factors can influence my individual experience overall, as well as my experience of each condition.
What I share is not a substitute for medical advice.
Self-identification of Autism (what many call “self-diagnosis”) is perfectly valid. If a personal Autistic experience I write about resonates deeply with you, consider these resources on Embrace Autism (starting with the Autism Quotient Test) as a first step. If professional assessment is important to you or your life has been impeded enough that you may need to qualify for Disability, you can print your results to bring to a diagnostician. (Having all those tests completed in advance saved me a lot of money!) Although there are many more diagnosticians available, here is a comprehensive list to get you started.
Lastly, some of my opinions may have changed since I first wrote the piece that lead you here.
Email me with any questions, and I’ll respond as soon as I can.